Food - the first of many parts - Shan spicy chicken sticky noodle soup

Despite having been here now in Yangon for almost two weeks, I haven't really had a proper Myanmar meal. I found some upmarket snacks at the local grocery store - ginger, tamarind and assorted fried beans. Which have been pretty tasty.
local packaged snacks
So far I've had some good Thai, Chinese and Japanese - there are some pretty good restaurants close to where I live.  So I was pretty excited when I finally tried one of the dishes that had been recommended before I came up here - Shan spicy sticky noodle soup. And it was tasty!

Shan sticky noodle spicy chicken soup - with fried tofu and a lemon freeze
It may not be the most photogenic of dishes but it was really good. The noodles were indeed sticky and the broth was rich and tasty. I'll definitely eat more of it while here. Next on my list to try - pickled tea leaf salad.


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